Integrated Calendar

All Your Plays in One Place

Juggling multiple calendars and apps can be overwhelming, especially for families with young athletes. AthletIQ’s integrated calendar syncs with your family’s, preventing missed events and overlapping practices.

Tennis balls

Unified Family Calendar

Keep Everyone on the Same Page

Managing separate schedules for each child leads to confusion and missed events. AthletIQ consolidates all sports activities into a single, easy-to-read calendar, allowing parents to view and manage all their kids' events in one place.

Sync with Personal Calendars

Seamlessly Integrate with Your Routine

Switching between different calendar apps and systems can be time-consuming and error-prone. AthletIQ syncs with your personal calendars, integrating sports events seamlessly into your daily routine.

Customizable Notifications and Reminders

Never Miss a Moment

Forgetting about important practices or games due to lack of timely reminders. AthletIQ offers customizable notifications and reminders, ensuring you’re always prepared for upcoming events.

Event Details and Attachments

All Information at Your Fingertips

Missing critical details about events such as locations, times, and necessary equipment. Each event in the AthletIQ calendar comes with detailed information and the ability to attach relevant documents, so you have everything you need in one place.

“The integrated calendar helps me keep track of all our practices and games. Syncing it with my personal calendar ensures I never miss a session.”
COACH Jordan

Stay Organized with AthletIQ’s Integrated Calendar!

Ready to simplify your scheduling? Try AthletIQ’s Integrated Calendar today and keep all your sports events in check.

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